Fresh roadblock for Tapi as Pakistan seeks gas price cut

ISLAMABAD: The multi-billion dollar Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (Tapi) Pipeline project has hit fresh snags as its two major stakeholders and prospective gas purchasers — Islamabad and New Delhi — have sought gas price openers before the project could physically take off. On Wednesday, Pakistan formally constituted a five-member price negotiation committee (PNC) to begin talks with Turkmenistan for price cut after authorities…

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PSO dues, Wapda loans and Tapi on second ECC meeting agenda

ISLAMABAD: The government has called another meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) on Wednesday for constitution of a price negotiation committee for Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (Tapi) Pipeline and settlement of about Rs75 billion liabilities to state-run entities. To be presided over by Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance & Revenue Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, the second meeting of the ECC…

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Allowing K-Electric to collect FCA from consumers termed unjust

President Site Association of Industry, Suleman Chawla, has urged Prime Minister Imran Khan to issue immediate order to cancel Nepra permission to K-Electric to collect fuel charges adjustment (FCA) of three years (from July 2016 to June 2019) from the consumers. Rejecting the permission granted by Nepra to K-Electric to collect fuel charges adjustment (FCA) of three years (from July…

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SSGC Clarification

This is with reference to the news item ‘Gas Billing: What’s SSGC upto?’ appearing in the Business Recorder dated January 6th, 2020. The news item needs a few clarifications that are stated below. “At the outset, it must be clarified that SSGC bills its over 3 million customers through a well-defined billing programme to account for 365 days’ gas sale in a…

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Construction of gas pipeline: Omer complains about Sindh government’s lack of cooperation

Minister for Petroleum Omar Ayub Khan has informed the Senate Standing Committee on Petroleum on Monday that the federal government has written letters to the provincial government of Sindh eight times for construction of 125 km gas pipeline to meet gas deficit in winter. The minister said that Sindh government did not give right of way for the construction of…

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PM’s special assistant on petroleum rejects Sindh government’s argument on provincial resources

The federal government will take up the weighted average of gas and rights of provinces under Article 158 and 18th constitutional amendment to the Council of Common Interests (CCI). PM’s Special Assistant on Petroleum Nadeem Babar talking to a select group of journalists here on Monday claimed that Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah was nearly convinced on the much-heated…

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ECC okays amendments to Nepra Act

ISLAMABAD: With­drawing a couple of key amendments on the objections of the power regulator, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet on Monday cleared amendments to the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electronic Power Act 1997 to meet conditions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The amendments to the Nepra Act are required under the IMF programme…

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Experts warn Pakistan to take care of its national interest over Middle East crisis

Economic Security is Pakistan’s top national security challenge, speakers Amidst growing tension and evolving security situation in the Middle East, after the assassination of top Iranian commander Qasim Soleimani in a U.S. airstrike, Pakistan must be mindful of its economic security which is country’s top national interest and be very careful while taking any sides or staying neutral in the…

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