148MW More Electricity To Be Supplied At Reduced Rate To Industrial Sector: Pedo Board

PESHAWAR, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 10th Dec, 2020 ) :Board of Directors (BoD) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organizations (Pedo) on Thursday decided to supply 148 Megawatt more electricity to industrial sector of the province on subsidized rates.

The board which met under the chairmanship of the adviser to the Chief Minister on Energy also decided to soon appoint project directors for the 300 MW power Balakot and 69 MW Lavi Hydropower projects after selecting suitable candidates.

The board also granted approval for promotion to next grade of different categories’ officers and low grade employees of Pedo, ranging from 19 to five grades.

The meeting was attended by Secretary Energy Muhammad Zubair, Additional Secretary Energy and Chief Executive Zafarul islam Khattak, Additional Secretary Finance Safeer Ahmed, Planning Officer Arbab Faiz and board members.

The acting chief executive Pedo Zafarul Islam Khattak apprised the board about progress on appointment of project directors for various projects. The board approved for financial opening proposals for selection of contractors for laying transmissions lines from Chakdara to Chitral district.

Addressing the board, the energy adviser said it would be ensured that ongoing development projects were completed timely adding wheeling model had been introduced to provide electricity to industrial sector at cheaper rates.

He also urged officials to continue work with the same high dedication for the development of the department.

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