The Wage Outrage

By Mansoor AhmadDecember 05, 2021 LAHORE: It is true the entire world is grappling with inflation, the basic difference between inflation in developed economies and Pakistan is the former have fewer poor, while the latter is loaded with poor. Inflation impacts all segments of the society differently. It affects lower income groups disproportionately. It all relates to the consumable surplus that…

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COP-26 Lessons for Pakistan

OP-26 Glasgow ended without satisfactory outcome. It repeated the history of Copenhagen 2009. COP-15 Copenhagen was considered a game changing event after the commitments at Bali 2007. It was expected that developed world will rise to challenge and take the responsibility to combat the climate change. Unfortunately, COP-15 Copenhagen could not deliver, except the promise of US$ 100 billion. The…

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