COP-26 Lessons for Pakistan

OP-26 Glasgow ended without satisfactory outcome. It repeated the history of Copenhagen 2009. COP-15 Copenhagen was considered a game changing event after the commitments at Bali 2007. It was expected that developed world will rise to challenge and take the responsibility to combat the climate change. Unfortunately, COP-15 Copenhagen could not deliver, except the promise of US$ 100 billion. The…

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Refineries: Petroleum Div has Shared info on Deemed Duty with CCoE

The Petroleum Division has shared information on deemed duty of refineries with the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE) aimed at updating the forum on this matter due to some controversies. “The summary on deemed duty was placed on CCoE agenda for information and about past upgradation. No decision was sought,” said Minister for Energy, Hammad Azhar while replying to a…

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