Suspension of gas supply: Discos witness 800MW increase in industrial demand

The distribution companies (Discos) have witnessed an increase in demand of 800 megawatt by the industrial consumers with suspension of gas supply by the government, said reliable sources. They said this rise in demand has occurred at the outset of the current week against the previous one, when the ministry of petroleum had suspended gas supply to the industrial units.…

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China’s Largest LNG Importer to Buy Supplies from US Developer Venture Global

Under one 20-year deal, CNOOC Gas & Power Group will take 2 million mt/year of LNG on a free-on-board basis from Venture Global’s proposed Plaquemines LNG facility that is planned to be built south of New Orleans. Under a second deal, which will last for a shorter duration that the companies did not disclose, state-owned CNOOC, or China National Offshore…

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Discontinuation of Gas Supply to Industrial Sector Decried

The Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry has expressed serious concerns over discontinuation of gas supply to the industrial sector particularly to textile sector and demanded the government exempt the textile industry from gas loadshedding. The MCCI has urged the Prime Minister Imran Khan to intervene immediately to ensure supply of electricity and gas to textile mills and warned that…

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IMF Conditionalities

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as other multilaterals has come under considerable criticism in recent months with respect to their harsh upfront monetary and fiscal policy conditions that have eroded Pakistan’s growth rate, raised unemployment levels, fuelled inflation through administered pricing of utilities and has contributed to a sustained erosion of the rupee against the dollar. Two observations…

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