Govt’s three years in power an ‘economic success story’

Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said despite the 2018 worst balance of payment crisis, economic problems due to Covid-19, high commodity prices in international market and direct and indirect impact of humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, Pakistan was expected to achieve over four percent economic growth – which was a major success. “Since we inherited a huge circular debt, ant-export policies,…

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Climate Matters

During the month of December 2021 two warnings of impending sea level rise were issued by highly respected groups of climate scientists. These are professional scientists who do not deal in hyperbole. Rather, they are archetypical conservative serious-minded scientists who follow the facts. The most recent warning on December 30th is of deteriorating conditions at the Arctic and Greenland. The…

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Gas suspension: Pakistan loses textile exports worth $250m

According to the working done by the All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA), the Punjab textile sector has sustained losses of $250 million in exports because of suspension of gas supply in December 2021. Shahid Sattar, Executive Director, APTMA, when contacted, confirmed that $250 million worth of textile exports were lost last month, which will never be recovered after mills…

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Power sector entities: CPPA-G, LUMS join hands to achieve capacity-building goal

A two-day follow-up training workshop for the officer and engineering professionals of DISCOs (Distribution companies) was arranged on Friday under the banner of Power Sector Centre of Excellence (PSCE) established at LUMS in Lahore. PSCE is a training and knowledge hub founded jointly by CPPA-G (Central Power Purchasing Agency) and LUMS Energy Institute (LEI). The training was attended by 80…

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Saindak Project Earned $74.7m Profit Last Year

The Saindak Copper-Gold Project has generated a profit of $74.71 million by collecting revenue of $550,000 against 16,426 tonnes of blister copper out of 5 million tonnes of concentrating tasks during last year. This was disclosed on Friday by chairman of the Metallurgical Construction Corporation (MCC) Resources Development (Pvt) Limited (MRDL), He Xuping. He said that taking advantage of the…

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Gas supply to CNG stations banned to facilitate domestic users

After the failure of Sui Southern Gas Pipelines (SNGPL) authorities to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to domestic consumers in provincial metropolis, the Peshawar district administration on Thursday imposed complete ban on operations of CNG stations till January 20, 2022 to improve gas pressure for domestic users. The chief minister had personally called general manager SNGPL to his office a few…

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Col. (R) Muhammad Tariq Khattak, Chairman Renewable & Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan (REAP)

Col. (R) Muhammad Tariq Khattak, Chairman Renewable & Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan (REAP) today (Friday) briefed the following Senators of Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs, Standing committee along with the Chairman FBR, at Senate Islamabad, Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood, Chairman, Senator Syed Faisal Ali Subzwari Senator Ms. Sheri Rahman, Senator Mohsin Aziz Senator Farooq Hamid Naek Chairman FBR The…

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Petroleum Revenues


The crude oil respite has so far appeared short-lived, putting the government in a tight spot again, in terms of the import bill and the revenue collection target on petroleum products. As oil marches back to $80/bbl. and onwards, the hopes of substantially raising petroleum revenues stand to get a setback. This is despite the government’s plans to raise Petroleum…

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