To celebrate the achievements of NEPRAs licensees in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), NEPRA organized the first ever CSR Award Ceremony at NEPRA Headquarters today. The ceremony was chaired by Chairman NEPRA, Mr. Tauseef H. Farooqi and was attended by large number of NEPRA Professionals and licensees, including, K-Electric, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Water and Power Development…

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Indonesia offers coal for CPEC power projects

The Indonesian coal industry is well refined and it can provide coal to Pakistan for power projects being developed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), said Indonesian Ambassador to Pakistan Adam M Tugio. In a meeting with prominent businessmen in Lahore on Tuesday, the ambassador said that his country could also provide coal to the domestic large-scale manufacturing sector. The…

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Bangladesh sets $80 billion export target for FY2024

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the draft of “Export Policy 2021-2024” on Wednesday (12 January), setting the $80 billion export target for FY2024. Export target for the fiscal year 2021 was $60 billion. “All exporters will get uniformed facilities. Besides we will provide policy supports regarding challenges over 4IR,” Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal said in the virtual…

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BP and Oman form strategic partnership to progress significant renewable energy and hydrogen development

bp and the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in Oman today signed a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) and a Renewables Data Collection Agreement which will support the potential development of a multiple gigawatt, world-class renewable energy and green hydrogen development in Oman, by 2030. As part of the agreement, bp will capture and evaluate solar and wind data from 8,000km2…

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Economy-centric security policy

In the words of the first ever National Security Policy 2022-26 (NSP), “Pakistan’s vital national security interests are best served by placing economic security as the core element of national security.” While critics may contend that merely putting pen to paper does not ensure the implementation or otherwise of an NSP or that it contains the theoretical framework that is…

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PPPA likely to execute mega projects worth Rs150bn

The Punjab Public Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) may execute different mega projects, especially in agriculture, infrastructure and renewable energy sectors worth Rs 150 billion. These projects included construction of a modern and planned agri market in Gujranwala, setting up of cold chain facility, energy generation from solar and biomass, solar street lighting on southern loop of the Lahore Ring Road,…

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Vitol Group Says Oil Prices May Rise Even More

The world’s biggest independent oil trader said crude prices, already up more than 10% this year, could rise even further because of tight supplies. “These prices are justified,” Mike Muller, head of Asia for Vitol Group, said Sunday. “Strong backwardation is very much justified,” he said, referring to a bullish pattern whereby near-term futures are more expensive than later ones.…

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Is The TAPI Pipeline Finally Ready To Go?

The Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline has been long aborning, but its prospects recently got a shot in the arm. The 1100-mile, $10 billion project has seen numerous delays since the pipeline consortium was announced in late 2014, though the project was first mooted in 1991. Construction started in early 2018 with a projected in-service date of 2021, but halted…

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