The growing threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine had the energy market on edge Monday, when oil and natural gas prices again moved higher. The standoff has also upended metals markets, weighed on equities and is creating additional inflationary pressures. The U.S. warned Friday that an attack could be imminent, sending commodity prices up. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was…
Read MoreMonth: February 2022
Carrying the energy of the future
Heinz-Jürgen Hiller, Business Development LNG at VTG Rail Europe, looks at LNG transportation by rail and the important role it could play in the future of the LNG industry. In April 2021, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agreed on a new European climate law and substantially raised the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target for 2030.…
Read MoreGas loss rates restored to pre-Aug 2020 levels
The government has reinstated the rates of Unaccounted for Gas (UFG) losses on the distribution of RLNG (Regasified Liquid Natural Gas) to pre-August 2020 levels, which analysts said would help reduce buildup of circular debt in the days to come. According to Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority’s (OGRA) latest notified prices of RLNG for January and February 2022, the rates…
Read MoreWorld oil price rise takes its toll on PSX
A bloodbath session was witnessed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Monday as crude oil prices surged to a seven-year high in the international markets amid intensifying tensions between Ukraine and Russia Pakistan. The market opened on negative note and remained in red zone for most part of the day where selling pressure was seen in almost all sectors. The benchmark KSE-100…
Read MoreGovt spends Rs 2b to implement electricity, gas schemes
The Federal government is spending more than two billion of rupees to execute electricity and Sui gas supply schemes in the district Hafizabad and no any village will be left without electricity and Sui gas facilities before completion of five year constitutional tenure of present government of PTI led by Prime Minister Imran Khan. These views were expressed by the…
Read MoreImran for bringing masses into formal economy through digitization launch
Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the country’s population can be turned into a real asset by bringing them into the formal economy through digitization, says TLTP.The prime minister said this while addressing the launching ceremony of Pakistan’s first instant person to person payment system ‘Raast’ on Tuesday.The prime minister said that Raast will facilitate the common man to…
Read MoreGovt increases petrol price by Rs12.03 a litre
The federal government has once again dropped “petrol bomb” on masses by increasing the prices of petroleum products by up to Rs12.03 per litre.With the latest hike, the prices of petroleum products have reached a historic high. New prices will be applicable from Tuesday midnight.The new fuel prices will remain applicable till February 28, read an official notification.According to the…
Read MorePakistan plans to set up body for effective debt management
SLAMABAD: The government is working to establish Debt Management Office (DMO) in the Ministry of Finance for effective planning and execution of related functions, WealthPK reported.According to a brief of the Ministry of Finance on a bill titled Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation (Amendment) Act, 2021, a copy of which is available with INP-WealthPK, in order to strengthen the Debt…
Read MoreCommercial consumers: Ogra notifies LNG sale prices for Jan, Feb
The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Saturday notified weighted average sale prices without GST on LNG for the last two months (January-February) for consumers, excluding domestic sector. According to the notifications, the price of LNG for January at transmission stage has been determined at $11.7092 per mmbtu and $11.5439 per mmbtu for February. The rates of LNG for consumers…
Read MoreOgra increases line losses ratio for gas companies
The Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) on Saturday increased the ratio of line losses for gas utility companies up to 300 per cent on liquefied natural gas (LNG), which will be paid by small users, including domestic consumers, hotels and the CNG sector. Ogra notified weighted average sale price of LNG without GST for last two months (January-February) for…
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