Oil at $150 per barrel ‘is not outside the realm of possibility’: energy trader

Oil at $150 a barrel is not “outside the realm” of possibilities, says one energy trader. “It’s hard to take anything off the table right now. Russia is starting to retaliate with its own response to U.S. sanctions, whether that’s demanding payments in rubles or potentially not allowing crude to flow through a very prominent pipeline through Kazakhstan,” Rebecca Babin, senior…

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Russia’s LNG ambitions put at risk as Linde exits

International chemicals giant Linde has joined a host of Western oil producers, oilfield service providers and technology players in exiting Russia following the country’s invasion of Ukraine, putting in doubt Moscow’sambitions of becoming a major global exporter of liquified natural gas by 2030. As a member of a consortium with Technip Energies and Russia’s Nipigazpererabotka, Linde is a key partner…

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Govt fails to convince IMF over amnesty scheme

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is not convinced with the government’s justifications for a recently announced amnesty scheme and has doubts over the financial impact and financing sources of the prime minister’s relief package on electricity and petroleum prices. As a result, the Fund’s mission and the government authorities are unlikely to conclude the ongoing seventh review of the $6 billion Extended…

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High energy, food prices stoke inflation, threaten economic recovery

 Finance ministry on Wednesday said Pakistan’s economy is also facing the inflation headwinds due to record high international energy and food prices. The recent developments in the international markets threaten the recovery of the global economy including Pakistan, the ministry said in a statement “Record high international prices of energy, food and other commodities combined with rising freight costs have…

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Finance Ministry rebuts int’l media news on Pakistan’s state of economy

The Ministry of finance Wednesday rejected news items published in the international media about the state of Pakistan’s economy, terming them biased and one-sided as the views of the government or the independent assessments of its development partners including the IMF, World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, were not taken into account. “We note with concern that certain international…

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Coalmining In Thar Spells Disaster For Locals

Without providing any alternative source of livelihood to the desert dwellers, the coal power companies have been encroaching on their farmlands and pastures, erecting fences around them, and banning the entry of local communities and their livestock. As if pains and sorrows of dispossession and destitution were not enough, the increasing depletion and poisoning of groundwater — an environmental externality…

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