NEPRA unveils Rs4.11/unit cut in KE tariff for Sept

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has announced a deduction of Rs4.11 per unit in power tariff for K-Electric consumers in electricity bills for September.

According to a notification, the decline in tariff was made under fuel adjustment charges and the K-Electric consumers will get a relief of Rs4.11 per unit in September.

The lifeline consumers of the power utility will, however, not be able to avail the relief. On August 11, Nepra increased the power tariff for K-Electric consumers by Rs11.10 per unit.

The approval was given in terms of fuel adjustment charges for June 2022 and the increase will not be applicable for lifeline consumers. The recent hike will be charged in the bills for August and September 2022, read the notification.

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