Heat pumps can cut your energy costs by up to 90%. It’s not magic, just a smart use of the laws of physics

Heat pumps are becoming all the rage around a world that has to slash carbon emissions rapidly while cutting energy costs. In buildings, they replace space heating and water heating – and provide cooling as a bonus. A heat pump extracts heat from outside, concentrates it (using an electric compressor) to raise the temperature, and pumps the heat to where…

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6000MW solar projects: mapping deadline issued

Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has given the deadline of a couple of weeks for mapping 6000-MW solar projects across the country and proposed tariff along with indexation to attract international investment. These directions were issued at a meeting on September 5, 2022, presided over by Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Effective Governance, Dr. Jehanzeb Khan, a close relative of…

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Meet Äager in Dubai, at ADIPEC 2022

Äager is an innovative environmental process, emission & air pollution controlequipment manufacturing and engineering company, participating at ADIPEC2022 between October 31 to November 3 in the 13th hall, at the GermanPavilion.Hosted by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), ADIPEC is the world’smost influential gathering for energy industry professionals. This year ADIPECwill accelerate the energy transition and unlock real value…

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Caught in a perfect storm


Pakistan can’t win for losing. The South Asian country of over 230 million people was already hit by a perfect storm of economic and political difficulties this year; it has now been devastated by the most severe and catastrophic flooding in recent memory. Over 1,400 people and 800,000 livestock have died, about 1 million homes have been destroyed, and more…

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Advisers set conditions for LNG plants’ sale


Financial advisers of the National Power Parks Management Company Limited (NPPMCL) — which owns and operates two LNG-fired plants with a combined capacity of around 2,500 megawatts — have asked the government to immediately finalise gas-sale and power-purchase agreements, debt recapitalisation and payment mechanism if it wanted an early sale of the two units to Qatar. The government is trying…

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