For brain storming I am of the view that if in winter total NTDC load is 9000 MW if aardvark group of 1200 MW tripped due to any fault then expected drop in frequency


.For brain storming I am of the view that if in winter total NTDC load is 9000 MW if aardvark group of 1200 MW tripped due to any fault then expected drop in frequency will be around 6% .let say if Kanuup 2400 MW tripped the drop in frequency in winter will be around 13% and in summer it will…

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Dawn Investigations: Selling liquid gold — Karachi’s tanker mafia


Furqan Akhtar, 36, a supervisor at the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board, had the task of doing discreet recces on his motorbike of streets in Manghopir, district West, and, upon spotting illegal hydrants, report them to the organisation’s water theft cell. KWSB personnel would then carry out raids to demolish those hydrants. One such operation in October lasted for 48…

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Ogra refutes reports of petrol shortage, says sufficient stock available


The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) denied reports of petrol and diesel shortages on Tuesday, saying that sufficient stocks were available in the country. “Ogra strongly rebuts the speculations on petrol/diesel shortages,” spokesperson Imran Ghaznavi said in a press release. He said enough stocks were available to fulfil petrol demand for the next 18 days and diesel demand for…

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Import of Goods-Cases at Port or In Transit

بینک دولت پاکستان نے کاروباری اداروں کی سہولت کے لیے مخصوص درآمدی سامان (ایچ ایس کوڈ چیپٹرز 84، 85 میں آنے والی اشیا اور ایچ ایس کوڈ چیپٹر 87 کے تحت بعض اشیا) کی پیشگی منظوری کی شرط واپس لے لی ہے اور اس کی جگہ بینکوں کو عمومی ہدایت جاری کی ہے کہ خوراک، دوا، توانائی وغیرہ جیسی ضروری…

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Monetary Policy Statement

At today’s meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to increase the policy rate by 100 basis points to 17 percent. The committee noted that inflationary pressures are persisting and continue to be broad-based. If these remain unchecked, they could feed into higher inflation expectations over a longer-than-anticipated period. The MPC stressed that it is critical to anchor inflation expectations…

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