PGPCL issues 90-day notice to Pakistan LNG on delaying access deal


Pakistan Gas Port Consortium Limited (PGPCL) on Tuesday issued a legal notice to Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) for misconduct and default regarding third-party access agreement (TPPA) finalisation, causing hurdles in the private sector’s LNG imports. PLL has been urged to resolve the matter of TPPA within 90 days. In case of failure, PGPCL would move to the London Court of…

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Power Sector Receivables Cross Rs2.5trn Mark

Pakistan’s energy sector is going through severe crisis as the power sector’s receivables against various consumers including provincial governments, federal government, and private sector have crossed Rs2.5 trillion. This was stated by Tahir Basharat Cheema, former managing director (MD) Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO), while addressing the launch ceremony of a book titled, “Power Sector an Enigma With No Easy…

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