Solis Continues to Endorse Its Commitment to Energy Transformation In Dubai

Solis, a global leader in solar inverter technology, displayed its most powerful inverters at World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi from January 16th-18th. The World Future Energy Summit is the leading international event accelerating sustainability and the global transition to clean energy. Solis’s booth grabbed many eyeballs and was the focal point of attention for visitors at the largest…

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The Deadly Consequences Of Saving Energy

Energy conservation in hot weather could raise mortality rates, a new study that has reviewed data from Japan showed this week. The study, which will be published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, argues that the Japanese government’s energy-saving campaigns since the country closed most of its nuclear power plants after the 2011 Fukushima disaster have led to higher death…

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CPPA-G seeks FCA of Rs2.20/unit for Dec 2022


Central Power Purchasing Agency-Guaranteed (CPPA-G) has sought negative adjustment of Rs2.20 per unit in Discos’ tariffs for December 2022 under monthly Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA), National Electric Power Regulator Authority (Nepra) will hold a public hearing on January 30, 2023 on CPPA-G’s request of adjustment in Discos’ tariffs. According to data submitted to Nepra, in December 2022, hydel generation was…

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OGRA takes notice of Overcharing of the sale/purchase of LPG


Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has taken serious notice of the complaints regarding overcharging of end consumer LPG Price. OGRA Enforcement Teams have been mobilized to take cognizance of the matter and to ensure sale of LPG at notified prices to provide relief to the end consumers and to initiate action against the violators under the applicable Rules/Laws.OGRA-Enforcement Teams…

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Mari Petroleum commences gas supply from SGPC to Sui Northern

Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MARI), one of Pakistan’s largest petroleum exploration and production companies, announced that it has initiated gas supply from Phase-II of Sachal Gas Processing Complex (SGPC), formerly known as GTH Gas Processing Facilities, on Friday. “We are pleased to announce that MARI has successfully completed the construction of SGPC Phase-II facilities to process low Btu gas from…

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Work on small solar projects halts

Investors in solar power projects have aired serious concern over the blocking of equipment imports by the central bank, saying such restrictions have led to a halt in project implementation. The issue was taken up in a meeting National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) held with small and large solar power project owners, especially those who were working in Balochistan.…

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MoU signed to explore sustainable fuel opportunities

Pak-Arab Refinery Limited (PARCO) has a signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with two foreign companies to explore opportunities in sustainable fuels and feedstock production in Pakistan, a statement said on Thursday. UAE-based Mubadala Energy and an Austrian petrochemical firm OMV Downstream GmbH (OMV) to help PARCO find out possibilities of pursuing projects in circular economy initiatives, including sustainable fuels,…

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