OGRA inspects LPG plants


KARACHI: The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has inspected a number of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) plants in collaboration with the local authority to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations in the LPG industry.

The inspection was carried out by the enforcement department under the instructions of Chairman Masroor Khan, a statement said on Wednesday.

According to OGRA, the inspection revealed that one LPG plant, whose licensee is responsible for adhering to OGRA’s stringent guidelines, was engaged in the filling of gas in sub-standard cylinders, blatantly disregarding safety protocols that are in place to protect the public and ensure the safe handling of LPG.

Furthermore, it was discovered that cylinders belonging to other reputable companies, including PSO, were being illegally filled at this plant, posing a serious risk to consumers. The plant in question was promptly sealed by OGRA to prevent any further non-compliant activities and to protect the public. OGRA has initiated legal proceedings against the licensee of the plant, ensuring that the responsible party will be held accountable for their actions.

OGRA spokesman Imran Ghaznavi emphasised the importance of maintaining the highest standards of safety and compliance within the LPG industry. “OGRA remains committed to safeguarding the interests of consumers and ensuring their well-being. We will not tolerate any compromise on safety standards, and those found violating the regulations will face strict legal consequences,” he added.

OGRA will continue to work closely with local authorities and other stakeholders to conduct thorough inspections across the LPG sector. The authority aims to identify any further violations and take swift action against those responsible.

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