‘No change in peak and off-peak hour electricity timings’


LAHORE: The Pakistan Solar Association (PSA) has claimed that there have been no alterations to the timings for peak and off-peak hours.

According to a spokesperson of the association, PSA has been inundated with inquiries from member companies and stakeholders within the Pakistan solar industry concerning purported changes to the time of use tariff for customers of DISCOs (distribution companies).

After weeks of speculation fuelled by incorrect news items circulating on social media and unofficial sources, the PSA takes this opportunity to clarify that there have been no alterations to the timings for peak and off-peak hours.

Upon consultation with relevant authorities at the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) and DISCOs, the PSA confirms that there have been no adjustments to the existing timing for peak hours and there are no plans to do so.

The current application of four hours in the day for peak rates remains unchanged. Similarly, there has been no modification to the off-peak hours either. The seasonal band 6:00PM TO 10:00PM in winter and 7:00PM TO 11:00PM in summer for the peak hours also remains unchanged.

Zafar Iqbal, a member of the PSA standing committee on net metering, said, “Upon seeing the news and inquiries from PSA member companies, we checked the same with relevant persons at NEPRA and DISCOs, and they clarified that there is no change in the timing of peak and off-peak hours, and the rumours are incorrect.”

The PSA urges all stakeholders to rely on verified information and refrain from spreading unconfirmed news that may lead to confusion and misperceptions within the industry and among customers.

PSA Chairman Amir Chaudhary emphasised the vital role the Pakistan solar industry is playing in achieving the vision of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to harness clean and cost-effective solar energy. He said, “We are working diligently with the relevant authorities, including NEPRA and the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), to help customers achieve a reduction in the cost of electricity by increasing the contribution of solar energy in the national energy mix.”

The PSA recognises the importance of renewable energy sources and their potential in transforming Pakistan’s energy landscape.

By promoting solar energy adoption, the association aims to bolster the country’s efforts to combat climate change, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and create a sustainable energy future.

The industry’s response to the PSA’s efforts has been overwhelmingly positive. Industry members have commended the association for bringing together all stakeholders on a common platform to address this issue.

They pledge to collaborate with the PSA to work towards realising Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s vision of maximising the contribution of solar energy in Pakistan’s energy mix. The PSA assures its member companies, the solar industry, and the general public that it will continue to work closely with relevant authorities to advocate for favourable policies and regulations that facilitate the growth of solar energy in the country.

It remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable energy landscape for Pakistan.

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