Chinese vice premier due in Pakistan on 10th anniversary of CPEC


ISLAMABAD — Chinese vice premier is expected to travel to Pakistan on Monday, July 31 to attend 10 years of  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) celebrations. Sources familiar with the development, on the condition of anonymity, told Pakistan Observer that Iron Brothers Islamabad, and Beijing are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative at the end…

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Wind and solar are propping up the Texas power grid amid a brutally long heat wave


As Texas bakes under a sweltering heat dome this summer and people crank their air conditioners, the state’s energy demand has smashed records. But the power has stayed on and prices haven’t spiked tremendously. Thank wind and solar, energy experts say. “Renewables have been performing very well this summer, which is great,” Michael Webber, an energy expert and professor at the University…

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