Power theft crackdown shows results: minister


ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Minister for Energy, Power, and Petroleum, Muhammad Ali, stated on Saturday that the government’s strict drive against power theft was delivering promising outcomes, and there would be no compromises in the fight against these illicit activities.

In an interview with a private news channel, he emphasised that effective measures were being implemented to enhance the power supply system, with the eradication of power theft being a top priority.

Ali affirmed that the government was taking practical steps to ensure an uninterrupted gas supply during the winter season, highlighting the urgent need for far-reaching reforms in the energy sector.

The minister expressed confidence in the success of the government-led campaign, praising the dedication of officers and staff involved. He also revealed that a central control room had been established in the Power Division to monitor the ongoing crackdown against power theft.

Earlier, the caretaker minister announced that the effort would not be limited to a specific timeframe but would continue and expand in scope in the future.

Speaking at a press conference, the minister emphasised the government’s collaboration with law enforcement agencies at the district level to ensure the swift execution of the campaign. Additionally, he mentioned plans to change the board of governors of distribution companies and reshuffle the CEOs of these companies to enhance governance and capacity.

The minister also highlighted the significant circular debt in both the power sector, of Rs2500 billion, and gas sectors, of Rs2900 billion, with efforts underway to manage this challenge.

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