#its4u: A new chapter on climate democracy


#its4u is the initiative of Rethinking Choices, East Africa Campuses and Colleges Green Network (EACCGN), and the World Climate School. We are brought together by a common goal.

It is not working.

Floods, wildfires, and storms are costing us millions of hours of work. We are losing the things that give us joy. It’s been 30 years since the climate process started, and oil, gas, and coal have not reduced. They have expanded every year. This is getting worse. Government coffers are empty – they will seek more money from more drilling.

We need a new chapter.

We need the freedom to control our own destiny. This can only come from a hard limit on oil, gas, and coal. Just calling for a stop leaves us in a vicious circle. We can’t with them, and we can’t live without them. A hard limit sets us free. It lets everyone know we have to change and gives us the control over our choices. This gives our dignity back.

What is #its4u?

#its4u is a drive to find out if you support a hard limit on oil, gas, and coal. Are you with us? Do you want whatever it is that you do to survive the tyranny of the weather? We are all linked by it. Will you give your voice to set yourself free?

A symphony of a billion voices.

#its4u is inviting you to come together and invite others as we head into COP28 and during the 12 days of COP. Tell the world from your villages, cities and countries what you are doing, and say how a hard limit will set you free. It is time for a new chapter on climate democracy. #its4u.

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