Renewables hit 55% of German electricity mix


Onshore and offshore wind sources accounted for 31.1% of power generated

The share of electricity generated from renewable energies in the German grid load was 55% in 2023, according to the electricity market data platform of the Federal Network Agency.

Wind turbines made the biggest contribution to this – especially on land.

Onshore and offshore installations together accounted for a share of 31.1% of the electricity generated.

Photovoltaics covered 12.1% and biomass 8.4%. The remaining 3.4% was accounted for by hydropower and other renewables.

Overall, generation from renewable energies in 2023 amounted to 251.2TWh, around 7.5% above the previous year’s figure of 233.7 TWh.

At 118.7TWh, onshore wind generation was about 18% higher than in the previous year (100.6TWh).

At 23.5TWh, generation from offshore wind turbines was 4.9% below the previous year’s figure of 24.7TWh.

At 55.2TWh, feed-in from photovoltaics remained at the previous year’s level (55.3 TWh).

The less sunny weather after the record year 2022 was compensated by the strong increase in output in 2023.

Overall, the grid load fell by 5.3% to 456.8TWh in 2023 (2022: 482.6TWh), and (net) electricity generation fell by 9.1% to 448.5 TWh (2022: 493.2 TWh).

The average day-ahead wholesale electricity price was €95.18/MWh in 2023 (2022: €235.45/MWh).

This was less than half of the previous year’s price and fell back to the level of 2021.

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