Category–III wind projects: NPCC asked to devise wheeling mechanism


ISLAMABAD: An inter-organisation committee has directed National Power Control Centre (NPCC), the system operator, to formulate wheeling mechanism for evacuation of power from category –III wind projects, well informed sources told Business Recorder.

The meeting was held in the office of Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) to discuss options for evacuating power from existing wind projects and Category-III wind projects through the K-Electric system and was attended by the officials of PPIB, K-Electric, CPPA-G, NTDCL and NPCC.

The meeting decided that a quantum of approx. 250MW to 350MW from Category-III wind projects can be evacuated through K-Electric system.

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For evacuation of power directly from Category-III projects through K-Electric system, the power utility company will carry out a techno-economic analysis for which PPIB will share the coordinates of the land acquired by Category-III wind projects with K-Electric-III. K-Electric will share the system studies with NTDC enabling NTDC to confirm the quantum of power that can be transmitted through NTDC system to K-Electric system specifically from Jhimpir to Dhabeji grid station.

Simultaneously, NTDC will formulate a wheeling mechanism, inclusive of performance obligations related to Non-Project Missed Volume (NPMV), for power evacuation from Category-III wind projects by K-Electric through the NTDC system (Jhimpir-II grid station).

Pakistan Foreign Renewable Energy Forum (PFREF) has approached Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir for resolution of long pending issue of 13 wind and solar projects of 600 MWp with an investment of $ 600 million.

In a letter to the COAS, President of PFREF, Mustafa Abdulla, praised Gen Asim for his untiring efforts to remove bureaucratic hurdles to bring Pakistan back to new heights economically and financially.

The Executive Committee (EC) of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has constituted an inter-ministerial panel to holistically review the issues of Category-III wind and solar PV projects including 13 at an advanced stage and other pending LoIs.

Category-III projects are those projects that do not require tariff/generation licence from Nepra till the date of CCoE decisions of February 27, 2019 and which are to be processed through competitive bidding by erstwhile Alternative Energy Development Board based on IGCEP outputs and confirmation of InterconnectionReady Zones (IRZs) by NTDCL.

IGCEP 2022 allows addition of 500-MW wind and 3,120-MW solar for the year 2025.

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