Pakistan Engineering Council – PEC conducted 1st Ever MEGA ENGINEERING CAPSTONE EXPO (FYDP- Final Year Engineering Design Project Exhibition) in KHUZDAR on 2nd March’2024 “Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology” (BUET), Khuzdar Balochistan and 2nd CAPSTONE in Balochistan Regional (1st was conducted at BUITEMS Quetta in 2023). CAPSTONE EXPO is a project of PEC Pakistan Development committee – PPDC which is the 6th EXPO in continuation at National level (2 held at Federal Capital Islamabad Region; 2 held at Lahore, Punjab region and 2 in Balochistan). In this Expo 4 Universities participated and 77 shortlisted projects out of which 9 projects were PEC funded.

Engr Muhammad Najeeb Haroon Chairman Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) & Ex-MNA, inaugurated the ceremony as chief guest. Welcome address of the ceremony delivered by Engr Dr. Sohrab Bizanjo in which he appreciated the PEC and PPDC for organizing 1st ever MEGA event at KHUZDAR Balochistan. 1st time PEC chairman is in KHUZDAR that is the privilege in the history of KHUZDAR. Purpose of this CAPSTONE is to minimize the industrial-academia linkage and to bring market compatible projects/ideas. Appreciation to PEC Chairman and PPDC committee and convener Engr Mir Masood Rashid paid along with the request for any annual conference or seminar by PEC in Khuzdar to continue the symbolic presence and interest that is 1st time Kuzdar is feeling with physical presence.

Engr Mir Masood Rashid convener PPDC and advisor to chairman PEC, had CAPSTONE briefing and discussed about the 10 MEGA projects launched by PEC which all have been successfully launched and available online for easy access to stakeholders, students, Engineers, Industries, employers, universities and foreign organizations. These 10 projects having tangible deliverables and beneficiaries are now reaping the benefits especially Pakistan-Engineers and society. Ten projects all available at pec-ppdc.org: STEM education; Day-Trip Learning; Final Year Design Project-FYDP; CAPSTONE; E-Library; Graduate Internship Training Program (6 months paid program); PEC E-gateway for e-procurement; 17-UNSDG’s adoption roadmap and Parliamentarian Caucus advocacy role).

In CAPSTONE Engineering Universities showcased their Engineering students’ projects that pertains to market/industry, in which industries were present to participate and select projects as per their business need. CAPSTONE is the PEC initiative 1st time in Pakistan by PEC Pakistan Development Committee (committee convener Engr Mir Masood Rashid). This opportunity granted by PEC free of cost to help our universities gain more market exposure as well as be able to network with world-class manufacturers of different varieties of engineering products. Market compatible projects being sponsored by PEC. More than 1000-foot fall at the inauguration ceremony whereas visitors over 1500. Distinguished guests from different universities and industries present along with Engr Dr Mushtaq Ahmad – VCMCKRU, Engr Dr Kamran Sami-VC BUITEMS, Engr Maj Umar Farooq- NUST and Engr Ghulam Usman Babai.

Engr Muhammad Najeeb Haroon chief guest in his address highlighted on the Engineering community critical role especially in such situation in which Pakistan is currently trapped. He promised that INSHALLAH such programs will continue so that Engineers who are core pillars of society may have platform to contribute which is a must need for PAKISTAN. Its continuous and consistent struggle that can make a difference and bring the country back on track to development journey. As we cannot be always as underdeveloped country which is already over 75 years now, we have to set the right direction so that developed country journey be travelled which is only possible when right direction is set and adoption of certain steps like STEM education (where from school passing level students be educated on the importance of science and technology), bringing practical projects from FYDP and CAPSTONE to market and promote localization of industries. Old mistakes and practices to end up and have to come up and work upon to make the country self-sufficient that is the only bail out for Pakistan and that’s possible only when Engineers play their role with the state and PEC support. In house engineering and localization of industry is only possible when engineers put their role in with the support of PEC. PEC focusing on same objective targets started new projects to create opportunities for engineers. Deliverables of such initiatives will result in new startups, engineering entrepreneurs, industry localization and indigenous local manufacturing, inhouse solutions and Engineering services.

Engineers having no limits as he has been developed and drilled to think beyond his own defined limits, it’s just the matter of doing. All are engineering and system problems which can be resolved as engineering solution exist along with technology advancement. He also highlighted on the austerity that PEC adopted and same our Islam religion teaches. He also highlighted on the ethical values that engineers must be adhering being responsible citizen.

Engr Dr Maqsod Ahmed-GB-VC BUET, recalled that CAPSTONE one of the great initiatives of PEC which we request to continue in future like this 3 years tenure for betterment of Engineers, Society and Pakistan. Engr Nasir Majeed VC PEC Balochistan appreciated the efforts and initiatives taken by PEC chairman and PPDC committee to get the reach of PEC in all cities of Pakistan which was never before.

All 4 Universities of Balochistan Participated with complete zeal being 1st ever MEGA event:

Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar; BUITEM, Quetta; NUST Balochistan Campus (NBC), Quetta; Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Uthal.

Prize Distribution: Project selection criteria: All projects commercially viable and sustainable: 1) Leading Entrepreneur; 2) Industry/business relevant; 3) Social/Civic impact; and 4) Innovation.

PrizeUniversityEngineering Project NameEngineering ProgramAmount Rs.
1stNUSTSeismic Retrofitting through externally attached sub structure to improve structural resilienceCivil   75,000
2ndBUETKProduction of Light Weight Concrete Blocks using waste StyrofoamCivil   50,000
3rdNUSTLaboratory Evaluation on incompatibility of Waste-Polymer Modified BitumenCivil   25,000
3rdBUITEMSGeometric Design of Spin Karez Park Road QuettaCivil   25,000
1stBUITEMSDesign & Construction of 3-Axis CNC MachineElectrical   75,000
2ndBUETKSmart Electric Solar Powered WheelchairElectrical   50,000
3rdBUETKAutomatic Solar Energy Greenhouse Controller & Monitoring SystemElectronic   25,000
1stBUETKWaste Water Recycling System using Arduino UNO & IOT Based on BUETK HostelsCSE   75,000
2ndBUETKLaboratory Equipment Automation for better Utilization of ElectricityCSE   50,000
3rdBUETKDoctor on Demand: AI based Virtual Assistant for Real-time Medical AdviceCSE   25,000
1stBUETKDesign and user Evaluation of Assistive Knee DeviceMechanical   75,000
2ndBUITEMSDesign a Plant for converting 10 kg per day of waste paper into fresh new productChemical   50,000
3rdBUITEMSGeotech application of non-woven wool sheet for underground water content enhancementTextile   25,000
SpecialBUETKLaboratory Equipment automation for better Utilization of EnergyCSE   10,000

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