PPIB Seeks Update from KE on 330MW Mine-Mouth Project at Thar Coal Fields


The Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has reached out to K-Electric (KE) for an update on the procurement process for the development of a 330MW Mine-Mouth coal-fired project at Thar Coal fields. KE was requested to initiate and complete grid interconnection and load flow studies within four weeks, but no progress has been shared with PPIB yet.

KE proposed a joint study with the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) for power evacuation from Siddiqsons Energy Limited (SEL) plant and power off-take by KE’s network. The project aims to be operational by FY-27/29 and is crucial for KE’s power acquisition program 2024-2030, aligning with the government’s policy on indigenous resource-based projects.

However, challenges such as financing constraints and shifting international focus towards sustainable development pose hurdles. KE is in contact with various stakeholders to ensure timely development despite these challenges. PPIB is closely monitoring progress and considering changes in power purchasers for certain projects.

Story by Mushtaq Ghumman

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