Sharjeel Memon Criticizes K-Electric Over Inflated Bills and Power Outages


KARACHI: Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon harshly criticized K-Electric (KE) on Monday for issuing inflated bills to consumers and causing prolonged power outages across Karachi.

In his statement, Memon referred to KE as an “uncontrolled horse” and called for an audit of the company’s balance sheet to determine its profit margins. He pointed out that under an agreement, KE is obligated to spend 1% of its earnings on network expansion and maintenance, yet power outages persist during rain and heatwaves due to tripped feeders.

He highlighted a recent resolution passed by the Sindh Assembly urging electricity supply companies to rectify their operations. In response, KE sent a letter stating that the government’s electricity dues were pending, Memon informed.

Memon asserted that power companies have no right to impose collective punishment on the public, labeling inflated bills and extensive load shedding as violations of the Constitution and law. He accused these companies of issuing bills based on estimates rather than actual meter readings, which is unlawful. When consumers seek corrections for inflated bills, they are only offered installment plans instead of bill reductions.

He further mentioned that in rural Sindh, transformers (PMTs) are removed even if there are just 10 defaulters among 100 households. Memon accused KE, Hesco, and Sepco of fully violating the Constitution and warned that legal action would be taken against them.

Memon emphasized that power supply companies cannot penalize the poor for their greed and incompetence. He added that people are suffering from load shedding amid heatwaves, and even examination centers are not being supplied with electricity.

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