Govt to Replace 88m Inefficient Fans Under Energy Conservation Campaign


In a significant move to enhance energy efficiency, the federal government has decided to replace 88 million old and inefficient fans across the country. This initiative aims to address the issue of high electricity consumption by outdated fans.

The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) has designed a scheme to replace these fans in the first phase. Under this scheme, consumers will receive new, energy-efficient fans at a cost of PKR 1,500 each. The cost will be paid in easy monthly installments, which will be included in the electricity bills. The scheme is expected to be officially announced in the upcoming budget.

The implementation of this plan is projected to save up to 5,000 MW of electricity. According to sources in the Power Division, banks have shown willingness to finance this project under the State Bank’s risk guarantee scheme. Banks are set to provide loans amounting to PKR 1,500 billion for the replacement of these fans.

This energy conservation initiative is a critical step towards reducing the overall electricity demand and promoting the use of energy-efficient appliances nationwide.

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