Urgent Call for Renegotiation of IPP Agreements:

  • APTMA appeals to the government to renegotiate agreements with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to reduce electricity costs and eliminate capacity charges.
  • Devastating Impact of High Tariffs on Industrial Growth: High tariffs are causing industrial closures, job losses, and hindering economic growth.
  • Financial Burden of Capacity Payments: Capacity payments to IPPs amount to Rs. 2 trillion annually, a significant financial strain on the government and industry.
  • Excessive Returns for IPPs: Returns for IPPs are excessively high, up to 73%, and are further exacerbated by currency depreciation.
  • Comparative Analysis Reveals Inflated Costs: A comparison with similar projects in other countries reveals inflated costs in Pakistan, suggesting ghost capacity and over-invoicing.
  • Misreporting and Overbilling Concerns: IPPs are suspected of misreporting and overbilling, particularly under take-or-pay contracts, with attempts to audit these discrepancies often obstructed.
  • Threat of Social Unrest Due to Rising Electricity Rates: The recent surge in electricity rates may trigger civil unrest and discontent within the business community.
  • Recommendations for Government Action: APTMA urges the government to:
    • Review and renegotiate IPP agreements
    • Prevent over-invoicing and ensure transparency
    • Ensure affordable electricity prices
    • Examine energy infrastructure for fraud
    • Address financial burdens imposed by capacity payments and high tariffs

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