Ensuring a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient Power Sector in Pakistan


Transparency and Accountability

1. Present all data of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to the public consistently.

2. Conduct forensic audits of all IPP plants by independent auditors to assess:

  • Setup costs
  • Equity value
  • Net dependable capacity
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Fuel procurements
  • Profits
  • Return on equity

Energy Market Reforms

1. Establish a power exchange to introduce a multi-seller and multi-buyer market, eliminating the government as the sole buyer.

2. Amend Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to ensure payments are made only for power purchased from IPPs and GENCOs, changing from a ‘Take or Pay’ to a ‘Take and Pay’ basis.

3. Privatize government-owned power plants (GENCOs) and distribution companies (DISCOs).

Stakeholder Inclusion

1. Provide representatives of all large consumer groups (domestic, commercial, and industrial) with seats on the NEPRA Authority, ensuring decision-making involves all key stakeholders with proficiency and transparency.

Policy Implementation

1. Implement the Competitive Trading Bilateral Contract Market (CTBCM) and wheeling policy at international rates immediately.

2. Execute energy reforms promptly to benefit consumers and avoid passing inefficiencies and losses onto them.

Government’s Immediate Tariff Adjustment Initiatives

1. Abolish capacity payments from government-owned plants and then approach IPPs to follow suit.

2. Announce the suspension of the Rs 7.13 tariff increase for all consumers.

3. Set a new industrial tariff at 9 cents per unit.

The Economic Policy and Business Development Think Tank

1. Establish an Economic Policy and Business Development Think Tank with chairs and executives for sectors such as:

  • Commerce
  • Finance
  • Energy
  • Agriculture
  • Industry

2. Announce the president of the Think Tank soon, who will work on reforming economic policies and business development to propel Pakistan into the top 10 economies of the world.

I have done my part and will continue to work tirelessly to protect our nation from the inefficiencies that have brought us to the brink of default. I urge all citizens to join me in this effort, as it is not merely about
energy sector prices but about the sustainability of our beloved motherland.

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