Six dead, eight injured in Mari Petroleum’s MI 8 helicopter crash in North Waziristan

KARACHI According to tv report Mari Petroleum’s MI-8 helicopter has been crashed in North Waziristan. Six died and eight injured as a result of the helicopter crash.
The injured had been shifted to CMH Thal via helicopter.
As per reports, the helicopter was carrying 14 passengers including 3 Russian pilots and crew.
As per Mari Petroleum spokesperson, the helicopter exploded during flight in Shewa Oil Field in North Waziristan.
The helicopter was providing transportation services in the Waziristan’s Shiva  block.
Engine failure caused the accident that resulted in a crash, it has been reported.
The helicopter faced technical fault while taking off. Helicopter tail rotter hit the ground when it tried to make an emergency landing. The accident isn’t associated with terrorism activity in the locality nor security failure.  

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