Restrictions Hamper Progress on Dasu Hydropower Project: World Bank Cites Transportation Challenges


ISLAMABAD: The World Bank has reported significant slowdowns in the 4,320 MW Dasu Hydropower Project due to restrictions on ground transportation for international workers and experts from Islamabad to the project site, as well as a shortage of armored vehicles for their movement within the project area.

A recent World Bank mission to Pakistan noted that while construction is ongoing, security and logistical challenges have hindered progress. The March 2024 terrorist attack, which led to a temporary suspension of work by Chinese contractors, exacerbated the delays.

Key milestones, such as the concreting of the integrated coffer dam, have been pushed to late 2025. The World Bank urged local and federal governments to expedite the demolition of affected houses and resolve land disputes to avoid further delays.

Progress on the 765 kV transmission line has improved, but land and social issues remain hurdles. The World Bank has called for stronger coordination among stakeholders to ensure timely completion of the project, which is expected to reduce electricity costs and alleviate financial pressure on Pakistan’s energy sector.

Story by Mushtaq Ghumman

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