By the grace of Almighty Allah, Mari Energies Limited (formerly Mari Petroleum Company Limited) is pleased to announce second gas condensate discovery in Spinwam-1 exploration well in Kawagarh formation, drilled in Waziristan Block, located in North Waziristan district, KP Province. This follows the earlier announcement dated 25th February 2025 of the first hydrocarbon’s discovery in the same well in SumanaSukh formation.
The post acid testing of the Kawagarh formation has shown a flow of 20.485 MMSCFD of gas and approximately 117bbl/day of condensate at a 32/64” choke (Well Head Flowing Pressure at 3,431 psig). Further testing of the well is underway, which includes testing of additional targeted formations, to fully evaluate the well’s potential.
MariEnergies is the Operator of Waziristan Block having 55% working interest along with OGDCL and OPI as joint venture partners having 35% and 10% working interest respectively.
This discovery will contribute to bridging Pakistan’s increasing gas demand-supply gas using domestic resources, while also strengthening the country’s hydrocarbon resource base.
Mr. Faheem Haider, Managing Director & CEO of Mari Energies, emphasized the company’s unwavering dedication to the exploration and development of new hydrocarbon resources. He also expressed sincere appreciation to the Ministry of Petroleum, DGPC, the provincial Government, Law Enforcement Agencies, the local communities and the joint venture partners for their invaluable and consistent support throughout the operations.
Lt Gen Anwar Ali Hyder (Retd), Chairman of the Board of Directors at MariEnergies’ lauded the commitment and hard work of the MariEnergies’ team in reaching this key milestone. He also acknowledged the continuous support of law enforcement agencies along with the cooperation of federal and provincial governments and Joint venture partners, which has been instrumental to the Waziristan JV’s success.