PM Imran admits ignorance about Pakistan’s power sector woes before taking office

LAHORE – Prime Minister Imran Khan has admitted he was not fully aware of how bad Pakistan’s financial situation was when he came into power two years ago.

The cricketer-turned politician, who became the 22nd premier of the South Asian country in 2018, appeared on a national TV for an interview to share, “Before becoming the prime minister, I was incognizant of how circular debt of the country rises”.

He told the host of Samaa’s NewsBeat that he did not have a button to turn everything right, adding that when he came into power, Pakistan s debt was between Rs 6,000 billion to Rs 30,000 billion while the country’s foreign exchange reserves had reached zero.

The PM’s confession supports the current poor situation of circular debt, which has surged to whooping Rs2,300 billion [Rs2.3 trillion] despite his government’s tall claims of arresting it.

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