CCOE forms body to streamline gas connections


The Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCOE) has formed a committee to streamline the process for providing industrial gas connections in Balochistan.

The committee will formulate criteria for approving the new connections to eliminate possibility of any discretionary decision.

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar in Islamabad on Thursday.

The Petroleum Division proposed the setting up of a committee for streamlining the process of industrial gas connections in Balochistan. The cabinet body on energy approved the proposed committee and directed that its recommendations be submitted to the CCOE within one month.

The committee will be chaired by the Petroleum Division secretary and will include Balochistan energy secretary, Balochistan industries secretary, Petroleum Division DG gas and Sui Southern Gas Company senior general manager distribution.

The energy minister had chaired a meeting on January 30, 2020 to discuss the policy related to provision of gas to industrial/ captive power consumers in Balochistan. After detailed discussions, it was decided that a five-member ex-officio committee would decide/ approve the industrial gas connections for Balochistan.

A moratorium was imposed by the prime minister and the petroleum minister was authorised to take decision on industrial/ commercial connections in Balochistan.

Accordingly, the prime minister’s approval was sought for finalising the proposed committee to decide on Balochistan gas connections.

The Prime Minister’s Office, vide its order dated August 14, 2020, communicated that the prime minister had approved that the Petroleum Division would place the summary before the CCOE.

The Petroleum Division sought approval of the CCOE for the proposed committee to decide and approve industrial gas connections in Balochistan on a case-to-case basis.

The Power Division also presented the latest circular debt situation and the projections. The CCOE was briefed that the circular debt management plan was being implemented to minimise the circular debt build-up.

The committee discussed the proposal made by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication regarding the meter-less smart metering system. The CCOE directed the Power Division and the IT ministry to hold further deliberations on the proposed design and submit a joint proposal.

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