Sindh Government criticizes Ogra for hike in petrol prices

KARACHI: Spokesperson of Sindh Government and Advisor for Law, Environment and Coastal Development Barrister Murtaza Wahab has criticized Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) for its proposal to increase price of petroleum products to up to Rs16.

He said that the hike in price of petroleum products was nothing but a nuisance to the people. He said that the selected government is bent on ending the relationship between the body and soul of the people.

“The increase in the price of electricity is an anti-people move and the irony is that the price of petrol is being increased every fortnight,” he said.

Wahab further said that the incompetent government is making the lives of the people miserable by increasing the prices day by day.

“People are being directly affected by the high cost of petroleum products. The PTI has given the people nothing but misery, anxiety, inflation, oppression and barbarism” he accused.

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