Governor Warns SSGC To Improve Gas Supply in Province


In a solid phrased message to the gas utility and specialists at the Middle, Sindh Lead representative Kamran Khan Tessori on Sunday cautioned that in the event that the gas supply was not superior essentially in Karachi, he would recommend individuals not to cover their month to month bills.

All things being equal, he added, he would request that Karachiites carry their bills to Lead representative House since there was no avocation for the gas supply organization to charge individuals for administrations which were not being given.

The Sindh lead representative likewise reviewed his new gatherings with high ranking representatives of the gas supply organization, who had guaranteed him to advance the circumstance soon.

“I have met the authorities of the organization and furthermore conversed with the senior individuals in the public authority,” he said while conversing with correspondents while having Sehri in Bahadurabad with individuals of the area on the night among Saturday and Sunday.

I have been guaranteed that the gas supply circumstance would work on soon. So in the event that the circumstance gets worse, I will recommend individuals to bring their month to month gas bills to Lead representative House. Why individuals could cover the bills for the assistance which they aren’t given? There ought to be a no bill for each family,” he said.

He likewise shared an arrangement of starting free IT courses for youths of Karachi so they could make money through various tech-based open doors.

“We are going to conclude this arrangement under which we would offer free IT courses to 50,000 Karachiites. This would help our childhood a great deal and I would like our little kids and young men to benefit this open door,”

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