TPS Guddu: PD Against Planned Diversion of Gas Supply to Urea Factories


Power Division is said to have opposed diversion of 110 MMCFD gas of Mari Gas from Thermal Power Station (TPS) Guddu to two urea plants, saying that any such attempt will result in waste of significant investment made by the government of Pakistan in the plant and assets at TPS Guddu, well informed sources told Business Recorder.

Service of Ventures and Creation (MoI&P) needs to de-dispense 110 MMCFD native gas of GTPS Genco-II to supply it to two compost plants, i.e., M/s Fatimafert Restricted and Agritech. ECC on December 28, 2016 permitted MPCL to supply unutilized gas volumes of HRL repository, which become accessible because of functional exigencies from time to lime, to its current buyers with inclination to the compost area.

Afterward, CCOE on November 26, 2020 permitted MPCL to supply up to 50 MMCFD of Nuclear energy Plant Guddu (TPSG)/GENCO-II’s un-drawn/underutilized HRL gas volumes to SNGPL on ‘as and when’ accessible premise while Engro Manure Ltd (old unit on MPCL)) was likewise being provided un-drawn volumes from other MPCL clients including TPSG/GENCO-II.

Sharing the subtleties, sources said that 100 MMCFD gas supplies from Mari Gas field have been allotted to TPS Guddu beginning around 1984. Be that as it may, during the year 2016-17, gas designation expanded to 110 MMCFD with the end goal of less expensive power for keeping up with the container cost of power during high evaluating period of imported fuel. Unit rate for gas is Rs 1050 for each MMBTU for typical creation (31 MMCFD) while $ 6.1144 per MMBTU for gradual creation (79 MMCFD) at warming worth is around 700-735 Btu/CFT.

The term sheet endorsed among CPGCL and MPCL was for a long time based on 70% take or pay premise. To off-take this 110 MMCFD gas supplies from Daharki to TPS Guddu, the GoP through CPGCL contributed Rs 4.5 billion on establishment/O&M of gas pressure supporting blower station during the year 2016. Then GoP changed its arrangement during the year 2020 and Bureau Panel on Energy (CCoE) chose to suspend the activity of least expensive plant of TPS Guddu.

Appropriately, Mari gas redirected the unutilized gas share of Genco-II to compost clients associated on Mari gas supply organization. Notwithstanding, MPCL likewise raised Take or Pay (ToP) solicitations to CPGCL during that period. Administrator Nepra during the formal review permitted the activity of TPS Guddu plant even on open cycle mode in bigger public interest because of its practical power age @ Rs 8 to 12 for every kWh from TPS Guddu.

As of now, gas supplies detached by MPC compelling from November 1, 2022 in domain of term sheet statement 10 because of the exceptional installment adding up to Rs 32.188 billion as on April 30, 2023 (just chief sum) that remembered for round obligation of force area.

The sources said, as the least expensive power age couldn’t be added into public matrix; in this manner, it is expected to reestablish the 110 MMCFD gas supplies from Mari gas field so that further less expensive power age could be added into public framework.

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