KATI Slams SSGC Overbilling


The industrial sector termed the overbilling by Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) ‘unacceptable’ and demanded the company to withdraw its additional bills, a statement said on Wednesday. Industries complained about the SSGC’s additional billing to the consumers across the province. Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) President Faraz Ur Rehman said heavy bills are not acceptable despite the non-supply of gas to consumers. He said that the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) should take notice of this situation.

Rehman directed out that due toward the gas lack the nation over, customers were spending to purchase costly LPG, while modern units were bearing the weight of imported RLNG. What’s more, to exacerbate things, SSGC was sending various extra bills to the clients. He mourned that the authorities of the gas service organization were not in any event, paying attention to the objections being recorded by people in general. Rehman requested SSGC MD Imran Muniar and Government Pastor of Energy Musaddiq Malik to quickly pull out the additional bills gave to general society.

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