PEC’s Transformative Initiatives Pave the Way for Pakistan’s Advancement: Engr. Najeeb Haroon


Quetta: Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a national apex regulatory body constituted through an enactment of the Parliament (PEC Act 1976) to regulate the engineering profession. The Council as per its Act has also special mandate to act as a “Think Tank to the Federal Government” to aid in all matters pertaining to engineering profession and policies required for the socio-economic development of the country.

Engr Mir Masood Rashid highlighted on the PEC PPDC initiatives of 1st Engineer Parliamentarians Caucus for advocacy in policy making being intellectual backbone of society, STEM education at schools’ level to promote science and technology, Day Trip learning for 3rd year engineering students, Final year design project sponsorship by PEC in which respective students were awarded in this ceremony, Engineering CAPSTONE EXPO to showcase industry required projects from all over Pakistan universities, PEC E-Library, Graduate Internship program, UN SDG’s adoption and PEC E-Gateway for consulting services e-procurement for promoting local Engineering Talent in international market. through coordinated efforts of overseas engineers for preserving brain drain at national level.

Engr Najeeb Haroon Chairman PEC, highlighted on the critical role of Engineers in advancement of any country and economy. PEC is focusing on the localization of industry as the first challenge to take up for which different initiatives been taken by PEC. In this competitive world we are scarcely in need of entrepreneurs and startups and PEC now facilitating such talent to bring forward through Final Year design project sponsors to promote entrepreneurs, Engineering CAPSTONE Expo and PEC E-Gateway (e-procurement portal) for the first time in Pakistan. PEC having responsibility as per the PEC act 1976 to advocate in policy making for which 1st Engineer Parliamentarian Caucus has been established so that engineers being intellect specialist can put their role as per set PEC strategic objectives. Engineers’ intellect is among one of the contributing hopes who can pull out Pakistani nation from the crisis, in numbers of engineers are upto 2 lac but they are having huge responsibility to drive 250 million population on innovation, science and technology.

76 years Pakistan came into being and we are still struggling to be among better and developed society/economy/country. What we should have delivered we failed in past but still not too late and can repair the damage. PEC has taken that role to contribute at our part to uplift the quality of education which is the 1st step where PEC intervention starts as per the curriculum and direction. For that PEC has taken initiative like STEM education initiative at school level so that science and technology be promoted to result quality raw material as input for universities for quality by product at graduation. During university period to uplift quality Day trip learning for 3rd year engineering students, FYDP (Final year design project) sponsorship, PEC E-library and Engineering CAPSTONE EXPO projects launched. In other initiatives Graduate Internship program, UN SDG’s adoption and PEC E-Gateway for consulting services e-procurement for promoting local Engineering Talent in international market. PEC being regulatory body playing its role as per act for which it was formed with compliance to set strategic objectives. Direction is set with PEC initiative to form 1st Engineer Parliamentarian Caucus to advocate parliamentarians in policy making as per the role act 1976.
Shields distributed by Chairman PEC Engr Najeeb Haroon (Ex MNA) to Abdul Khalique Rind (President Quetta press club), Banaras Khan (GS Quetta Press club), Engr M Zahid Khan (1st intern of Baluchistan) and Mr Rahim Shah, CEO Quick eats (1st company of Baluchistan registered in PEC GIT).

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