CM Sindh Instructs Expedited Solarization of Government Buildings


Karachi: Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah, chaired a high-level meeting regarding the Energy Department, attended by Energy Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani, Chief Secretary Asif Haider Shah, Principal Secretary to the CM Agha Wasif, Energy Secretary Musaddiq Khan, Finance Secretary Fayaz Jatoi, and other relevant officials.

In the meeting, the Chief Minister instructed the energy minister to expedite the solarization of government institutions. He emphasized that all government offices operate during daylight hours and converting these buildings to solar power would significantly reduce electricity bills.

Energy Minister Nasir Shah assured that the solarization work will be accelerated in the new fiscal year. The Chief Minister also directed that all government residential colonies in the HESCO and SEPCO areas should pay their electricity bills. He ordered that electricity supply be cut off to those government residential buildings where residents fail to pay their bills.

Additionally, the Chief Minister instructed HESCO, SEPCO, and K-Electric to reconcile the outstanding bills of government institutions and ensure their payment by August. The Chief Minister stressed the need for all three power distribution companies to reconcile their bills promptly.

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