FPCCI to file petition in Supreme Courtfor ammendments in IPP,s Agreements


Karachi The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) is preparing to file a writ petition in the Supreme Court and appeal to the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) to seek amendments to the agreements with Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The FPCCI argues that the existing agreements and the tariffs imposed by the IPPs are financially burdensome and harmful to the national economy and businesses.

Filing a Writ Petition:

                1.            Supreme Court’s Authority: The FPCCI intends to use the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction to challenge the legality of the IPP agreements. The arguments will likely focus on violations of fundamental rights or the principles of natural justice  .

                2.            Legal Procedure: This involves registering on the Supreme Court’s e-filing portal, submitting the necessary documents and affidavits, and presenting the case for judicial review. The petition will be reviewed to determine if it meets the criteria for a writ .

Appeal to the SIFC:

                1.            SIFC’s Role: The Special Investment Facilitation Council is designed to facilitate investments and address economic challenges. By appealing to the SIFC, the FPCCI seeks an administrative intervention to renegotiate the terms of the IPP agreements, aiming to reduce their financial impact .


                •              Amending Agreements: The primary goal is to amend the IPP agreements to make them more favorable and less financially burdensome for the economy and businesses.

                •              Relief for Businesses: By seeking judicial and administrative intervention, the FPCCI aims to alleviate the financial strain caused by the current IPP tariffs and terms.

This dual approach highlights FPCCI’s comprehensive strategy to address the issue both legally and administratively, ensuring a more balanced and sustainable economic environment.

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