Pakistan Approves Construction of White Oil Pipeline to Revolutionize Oil Distribution


ISLAMABAD: In a groundbreaking move to modernize the nation’s oil distribution infrastructure, Pakistan has approved the construction of the White Oil Pipeline Project, led by the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). The agreement for the Machike-Thallian-Tarujabba White Oil Pipeline was signed on Wednesday, marking a major milestone in completing Pakistan’s oil pipeline network from Karachi to Peshawar.

The 477-kilometer pipeline will link key oil hubs, significantly reducing transportation costs and bolstering national energy security. The project, involving Pakistan State Oil (PSO), Pakistan Refinery Limited (PARCO), and Interstate Gas Systems, is designed to initially transport 7 million tonnes annually, with the capacity to expand to 10 million tonnes. This initiative aims to enhance safety and efficiency in oil distribution while potentially saving billions of rupees.

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