Pakistan to Share Comprehensive Wish List of Projects with Chinese PM for Second Phase of CPEC


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has finalized a comprehensive wish list of over six dozen projects across various sectors for Chinese cooperation under the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The list is set to be shared with the Chinese Prime Minister during a key meeting next month, according to sources from the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives.

Following the successful completion of CPEC’s first phase, the initiative has now transitioned into its second phase, which focuses on five key corridors: growth, innovation, green development, livelihood enhancement, and regional connectivity. These themes were agreed upon by both China and Pakistan, with the aim of further enhancing bilateral cooperation.

During his recent visit to China, Pakistan’s Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives met with the Vice Chairman of China’s National Development and Reforms Commission (NDRC), where it was agreed to hold a high-level workshop to align Pakistan’s 5Es framework with China’s Belt and Road Initiative’s five corridors.

Key Projects Listed for Cooperation

Follow-up technical support for New Gwadar International Airport.
Phase II of East Bay Expressway.
Karakoram Highway (N-35) realignment (Raikot-Thakot).
Phased upgrade of the Main Line 1 (ML-1) railway project.
Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) project.
Energy and Minerals:

GEIP LNG terminal project with Power Construction Corporation of China.
Upgrading and expansion of National Refinery.
Suki Kinari Hydropower Station.
Siyadik Copper Project.
Industrial Cooperation:

Dhabeji Special Economic Zone.
Rashakai Industrial Park.
Omara Port Ship Repair project.
Buffalo Breeding and Dairy Processing project.
Pepper Cultivation Demonstration and Extension project.
Science, Technology, and Innovation:

China-Pakistan Earth Science Research Centre construction.
Inclusion of five Pakistani universities in the Belt and Road joint Laboratory for disaster prevention research.
Livelihood and Climate Change:

China-Pakistan Vocational and Technical Training Program.
Aid for flood-affected housing repairs.
South-South Cooperation Project for climate change mitigation.
Digital Economy:

Building digital infrastructure with Chinese enterprises.
Collaboration on software, cloud computing, and big data projects.
Cooperation on radio spectrum management and digital security.
This strategic partnership is expected to further strengthen China-Pakistan relations and accelerate Pakistan’s development in key sectors, while deepening cooperation on shared economic and technological goals under the CPEC framework.

Story by Mushtaq Ghumman

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