SSGC clarifies board issues


KARACHI: The Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC) said the election process of its board of directors has been delayed several times due to various reasons at the Petroleum Division level. “Detailed correspondence has been shared between SSGC and Petroleum Division, seeking clarification and path forward in this regard. Response was also obtained from SECP, where needed and detailed exchanges…

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Oil association opposes govt’s decision to grant PSO sole diesel import rights


KARACHI: A group of oil marketing companies is opposing a government decision to give Pakistan State Oil (PSO), the country’s largest fuel supplier, the sole right to import high-speed diesel (HSD). The move would create a monopoly for the state-owned PSO and hurt the competitiveness and innovation of the oil sector, the Oil Marketing Association of Pakistan (OMAP), which represents…

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Mari Ghazij: MPCL announces successful drilling of another appraisal well


KARACHI: Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL) has announced successful drilling of another appraisal well in Mari Ghazij formation in the Mari Development and Production Lease (D&PL), Sindh. As part of the appraisal plan for the Ghazij discovery in the Mari Development and Production Lease, MPCL has successfully drilled and tested the second appraisal well in the Ghazij formation, material information…

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Dasu transmission line contracts: Ali pledges to conduct ‘fair inquiry’


ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Minister for Power and Petroleum, Muhammad Ali, has reportedly given his pledge to the Turkish company SA-RA Energy that he would conduct a transparent inquiry into contracts of 765 kV Dasu transmission line, while acknowledging that there was collusion as procedure was not followed in this regard, well informed sources told Business Recorder. The World Bank has also conducted…

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K-Electric gets 20-year licences for distribution, supplier of last resort


ISLAMABAD: The National Electric Regula­tory Authority (Nepra) on Friday granted a non-exclusive distribution licence and a supplier-of-last-resort (SoLR) licence to K-Electric Ltd (KEL) both for 20 years, valid until Jan 18, 2044. The non-exclusive distribution licence to KEL means that smaller private power distribution companies with a licence from Nepra would be allowed into the power distribution and sale business,…

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Game-changing solar power technology to get first US installation: ‘Valuable land is almost completely preserved’


If you haven’t heard of vertical agrivoltaics systems, that’s probably because it’s such a new technology that many countries, including the United States, don’t have any farms using it yet. That’s set to change, at least for the U.S., however, as the first-ever vertical agrivoltaics system is about to be built in Vermont. An agrivoltaics system uses solar panels installed on farmland so the…

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Groundbreaking solar panels are 1000x more powerful than traditional panels


Researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have discovered a new method to increase the efficiency of solar cells by a factor of 1,000. The team of scientists achieved this breakthrough by creating crystalline layers of barium titanate, strontium titanate, and calcium titanate, which were alternately placed on top of one another in a lattice structure. Their findings, which could…

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NEECA green hydrogen study reveals clean fuel potential for Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) has released a pre-feasibility study on green hydrogen energy, aiming to unlock the vast potential of the clean fuel and pave the way for a more sustainable energy future. The study, conducted in collaboration with international experts, analyzed 13 value chain cases for hydrogen production, storage, and utilization, and identified the…

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SIFC takes notice of JJVL closure


ISLAMABAD: In a new development, Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has taken the notice of closure of the Jamshoro Joint Venture Limited (JJVL) LPG-NGL extraction plant since June 2020 and directed the Petroleum Division to help resolve the disputes between the plant management and Sui Southern authorities. The plant can be used as an import substitution industry against LPG import…

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Gwadar coal-fired project: Inter-ministerial committee formed to review progress


ISLAMABAD: The government is said to have constituted an inter-ministerial committee to review the progress of the 300 MW coal fired project at Gwadar and suggest a way forward to expedite the project or suggest an alternative source of power supply to Gwadar area if Chinese company fails to renew Performance Guarantee (PG) by March 21, 2024, well-informed sources told Business…

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