Deadline Extension Sought for Refinery Upgrades


The Petroleum Division has requested a 6-month extension from the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCOE) for local refineries to finalize Implementation Agreements (IAs) under the amended brownfield refineries’ policy 2023. This move aims to accommodate major players like Pak-Arab Refinery Company (PARCO) and Cenergyico, enhancing refining capabilities but delaying $5-6 billion investments. The initial deadline of April 22, 2024, for…

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Nepra Approves Rs2.8 per Unit Surcharge in May Power Bills


The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has sanctioned ex-Wapda power distribution companies (XWDISCOs) to levy an extra Rs2.8372 per unit on consumers’ May 2024 electricity bills. This move, known as the monthly fuel cost adjustment (FCA), comes after power consumers paid less than the actual cost of power generation, particularly from costly imported fuel, in March. Nepra’s decision translates…

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Engro’s Global Expansion Plans: Diversifying Across Energy and Telecom


Engro Corp, Pakistan’s largest conglomerate, is eyeing international markets for expansion, with a focus on the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, according to Samad Dawood, Vice Chairman of Dawood Hercules Corp, Engro’s major investor. In a recent interview with Reuters, Dawood highlighted Engro’s interest in global LNG ventures and hydrogen energy, alongside plans to enter telecom infrastructure markets in…

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The use of drones offers Red Solar a better PV solution at Mountain


Drones are helping Red Solar achieve better PV solutions in the mountains,Chongqing,China. The project team has completed the PV installations at the construction site. With altitudes ranging from 1200 to 1700 meters, the steep slopes present significant challenges. Constructing a solar power station in this rugged terrain requires unconventional approaches and innovative PV solutions, calling for courage and ingenuity from…

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Power Minister Awais Leghari Led delegation today


Power Minister Awais Leghari today led a delegation of the Power Sector of the Government of Pakistan to meet with its Saudi Energy sector counterpart at Riyadh.The prominent leaders present in the meeting included Mr. Nassir Al-Qahtani, Assistant Minister for Electricity Affairs, and Mr. Nayef Almusehel, Deputy Minister for Policies and Strategic Planning. During the meeting, both sides exchanged detailed…

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Grid vs Rooftop Solar: Navigating Pakistan’s Energy Landscape

In the realm of Pakistan’s power sector, a contentious debate brews between the traditional grid system and the burgeoning rooftop solar initiatives. Dr. Khalid Waleed, an esteemed authority in energy economics, delves into the intricacies of this debate and offers a roadmap for sustainable energy transition. Pakistan witnessed a notable decrease in electricity consumption, a 10% drop from FY2022 to…

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Understanding electricity demand

*There is a need to attract more investments into transmission system, especially under CPEC The aphorism ‘supply creates its own demand’, often attributed to economist Jean-Baptiste Say, encapsulates a fundamental principle of classical economics. This notion, known as Say’s Law, faced criticism during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when supply exceeded demand, leading to economic downturns. Similarly, Pakistan’s electri­city…

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The Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB) was established in 1994 as a one-window facilitator on behalf of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to promote private investment in the power sector of Pakistan. Since its inception, PPIB has consistently remained a frontrunner institution in Pakistan’s power sector. Recognizing the performance and success of PPIB, the government, on the advice of…

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