Islamic State Claims Attack On Iraqi Refinery

Islamic State militants launched a rocket strike against an Iraqi refinery causing its shut-down, Reuters has reported, citing officials from the facility. In a statement on the terrorist group’s official channel, IS took responsibility for the attack, which caused a fire at a fuel storage tank, which has been put under control. “We completely shut down production units to avoid…

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Total Bets Big On Libya’s Oil Industry

French Total plans to increase its investments in Libya’s oil industry, the National Oil Corporation said, adding it had discussed with the company raising Libya’s production to “the highest levels.” Total has stakes in several Libyan oil fields, including the nation’s biggest, Sharara. The field, along with many others, was shut down for more than eight months this year after…

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Purchasing power

The issue of power purchase, and when it is made, has come up before. Recently, PSO said that it bought additional furnace oil to meet a shortfall by K-Electric in Karachi, so that the people of Karachi would not suffer. The question, however, is why furnace oil was bought when a few months before in August and September, LNG was…

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Michigan Order Enbridge To Shut Down Line 5

Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the director of the state’s Department of Natural Resources have revoked Enbridge’s easement for the operation of the twin Line 5 pipeline, citing repeated violations of the easement and the need to protect the Great Lakes. “The state is revoking the easement for violation of the public trust doctrine, given the unreasonable risk that continued…

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