K-Electric’s new plant to begin production in March-April

The federal government and K-Electric are putting in place required infrastructure and new generators to lift power supply by 40%, or 900 megawatts, to the city of ports, parts of upper Sindh and Balochistan ahead of the forthcoming summer season. Ongoing efforts to reduce prolonged power outages during sweltering heat may, however, be partly jeopardised. The power utility has expressed…

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Privatisation Commission fails to take sell-off decision

The Privatisation Commission (PC) board on Thursday could not take decision on privatisation of power distribution companies due to Ministry of Energy’s failure to improve the poor condition of these companies over the past two and a half years. The Power Division has shown its inability to even prepare a roadmap for the privatisation of power distribution companies, saying it…

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RLNG-based power plant will go a long way in meeting Karachi’s power demands

KARACHI: K-Electric’s flagship 900-MW power plant, BQPS-III is progressing on fast track and the gas turbine, generator and heat recovery boiler for the first unit of 450-MW has arrived at the power utility’s Bin Qasim Power Complex, said KE’s CEO Moonis Alvi here at a press briefing. Steam Turbine and Transformers for the first unit are on the way to…

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GENCOs, SNGPL, PIA have to pay Rs259 bn to PSO

ISLAMABAD: The state-owned electric generation companies (GENCOs) have defaulted on payment of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) by Rs131.581 billion with Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) also failing to clear the LNG payments of Rs107.093 billion. Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is not behind in the race as it has so far defaulted on payment of Rs20.802 billion, unfolds the financial…

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Industrialists decry ban on gas supply

Industrialists have expressed grave concern over the decision taken by the government to cut gas supply to all industrial units from February 2021, terming it a counterproductive move. In a statement, North Karachi Association of Trade and Industry (NKATI) President Faisal Moiz Khan, while opposing the decision taken by the Power Division, urged the federal government and Minister for Planning,…

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Wind projects may fetch $2b investment


LAHORE: Pakistan has the potential to produce approximately 150,000MW of energy from wind energy sources, said Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) President SM Naveed. Speaking at a think tank session, he said that wind projects could fetch investment of around $2 billion. “Government should opt for short-term energy projects to curb the prevailing energy crisis that has crippled the national…

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Pakistan LNG seeks Feb cargoes again after supplier unable to deliver

SINGAPORE/LONDON: Pakistan LNG is seeking two liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes for delivery in February, after at least one supplier was unable to deliver a scheduled cargo, two industry sources told Reuters on Tuesday. Pakistan LNG, a government subsidiary that procures LNG from the international market, is seeking the cargoes for delivery over Feb. 15-16 and Feb. 23-24, one of…

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