Tharis learning to save livestock from emerging challenges of climate change

HYDERABAD: Thar and Kohistan, the main arid regions of Sindh, are witnessing devastating impacts of climate change in terms of depleted underground water and shrinking vegetation cover, the main natural resources for the local communities. Reports revealed that a cycle of severe droughts followed by heavy rain floods continued to erode livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of rural people in…

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BEPA launches comprehensive research, probe into coral bleaching near Churna Island

KARACHI: The Balochistan Environmental Protection Agency (BEPA) has launched a comprehensive research and probe into the coral bleaching near Churna Island first reported by Geo News back in November 2020. Coral bleaching, which was reported for the first time out of Pakistan last month, threatens marine life and poses a risk of exacerbating the climate emergency. The issue was brought to attention…

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China, Pakistan to jointly set up gene and cell technology research center

Karachi: The Cloud Signing Ceremony of the Sino-Pakistan International Gene & Cell Technology Research & Transformation Center Project was held the other day.The business venture between China and Pakistan by the Biotech & Biomedicine (Shenyang) Group and Dynamic Engineering and Automation (DEA) Group Pakistan for development of Gene & Cell Technology Research& Transformation Center has further added new drive to…

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PARIS (December 2, 2020) — The Women in LPG Global Network (WINLPG) is an initiative that was launched in 2015 by the World LPG Association (WLPGA). Recognising the need to promote women, and young talent, in the LPG industry the WLPGA created The Women in LPG Global Network (WINLPG) as a platform to meet, connect, exchange and learn. The network has over 2,000 members and…

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IPPs irked at ‘non-seriousness’ on part of Power Division

ISLAMABAD: As many as 53 independent power producers (IPPs) that signed MoUs with the government providing estimated relief of Rs836 billion in their remaining period of PPAs, have got irritated on the non-seriousness on part of the Power Division in finalising payment mechanism for offloading dues of Rs462 billion and implementation of their recommendations mentioned in MoUs. The IPPs also…

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Not Too Late — Yet

ANALYSTS often highlight the need for capable leadership in Pakistan’s energy ministry. Those at the helm of decision-making have persistently succeeded only in strengthening that view. The unceremonious and abrupt reshuffling of the Power Division recently indicated how the federal government was struggling to get a handle on the sector’s state of affairs. Now there’s a new special assistant to…

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Fixing the System

Getting rid of bad governance, mismanagement and corruption would obviously be a huge service to our country. The question is: are we truly committed to this fight? What happens when stories of corruption and mismanagement start coming in but instead of dealing with them, the government resorts to targeting the messenger. As Shahzeb Khanzada has raised time and again on…

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