Riding on PV and energy storage waves, GoodWe’s first-half energy storage inverter shipments match total shipments of the previous year

Energy storage is an integral part of renewable energy utilization. The development of innovative energy storage solutions that can allow for round-the-clock zero-emissions power has driven up the popularity of these solutions on capital markets. In recent years, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for renewable energy power generation and industrial energy storage has fallen significantly, making it a highly…

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Seeks New Buyer For Kandhkot Idle Gas

The company is negotiating with government authorities to find an alternate buyer as previously the gas was being supplied to GENCOs for gas-based power generation, PPL told analysts at a brief. “Kandhkot gas field is currently producing 80mmcfd of gas whereas 120mmcfd of gas is idle despite the fact that country is facing acute gas shortage,” Farhan Mahmood, Head of…

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Stakeholders Out of Loop: FPCCI

Karachi (PR): Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, President FPCCI, has expressed his deep concerns over the approach of the government for not taking the apex business, industry and trade body of Pakistan into the consultative process over mini budget; and, what will it entail! This effectively keeps all the stakeholders out of loop, he added. FPCCI President said that there are…

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Energy Minister asks SNGPL to Stop Issuing New Demand Notice for Domestic Gas Connections

In an apparent bid to meet rising gas demands during this winter season, energy minister Hammad Azhar has advised a state-owned gas utility to completely stop issuing new demand notice/proposal letters in respect of domestic gas connections. According to sources, Federal Minister for Energy, Hammad Azhar has strictly advised Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) to completely stop issuing new…

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