China coal futures drop on threat of state intervention in energy crisis

Chinese coal prices tumbled on fears of government intervention in the strained energy sector, as Beijing seeks to rein in electricity costs and stem a crisis that has hobbled the country’s economic growth. Thermal coal futures trading on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, which have hit record levels in recent weeks, fell the maximum 8 per cent for a second consecutive…

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LNG Carrier rates top $260,000 per day as arbitrage profits exceed $100m

THE natural gas and energy crunch sweeping Asia and Europe has propelled spot rates for liquefied natural gas carriers above $260,000 per day on key routes as traders sought vessels to profit from cargo arbitrages worth over $100m. The Baltic Exchange currently assesses time charter equivalent rates to ship 180,000 cu m of LNG to Tokyo from Gladstone, Australia at…

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OPEC+ Spare Capacity Is Insufficient Amid Global Energy Crisis

A decade of underinvestment in traditional energy supply chains has finally caught up to world economies. Surging demand, tightening inventories and soaring prices are causing energy shortages and blackouts. Coal and natural gas inventories are at dangerously low levels, diesel power generation is switching on, factories are shutting down, and blackouts are already happening in China. The situation has deteriorated…

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Russia Limits Additional Natural Gas Deliveries to Europe, Sending Prices Higher — LNG Recap

European natural gas prices jumped Monday after Russia booked little additional pipeline capacity to move more supplies to the continent next month. Gazprom PJSC booked no additional capacity for November through Ukraine during an auction Monday. The company took only about 35% of the available capacity via Belarus and Poland next month. The auction’s results came despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s…

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Concrete: The World’s 3rd Largest CO2 Emitter

If concrete were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases on Earth, behind only China and the United States. According to the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), around 14 billion cubic metres of concrete are cast each year. How can this material, essential for global housing, construction and infrastructure, be made less damaging to the planet? – How bad can…

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How China’s coal crisis exposes the hypocrisy of the West’s carbon footprint

A coal shortage is threatening the global economic recovery. Blackouts could spread from China and India to all the emerging economies still mostly reliant on coal. As supply can’t be ramped up in the near term, the shortages could worsen as energy demand rises with winter’s arrival. That may trigger another emerging-market crisis. The coal price has more than tripled in a…

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