Uninterrupted gas for two Punjab fertiliser plants ordered

The government has decided in principle to provide uninterrupted gas supply to two Punjab-based fertiliser plants – Fatima and Agritech – on Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd (SNGPL) network over the coming months to ensure sufficient local fertiliser production. The decision to this effect was reached at a meeting presided over by Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin to review the supply…

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Petrol stocks drop to critical level as ministries wrangle over berthing issues

While the ministries of energy and maritime affairs wrangle over some operational issues, Pakistan’s petrol stocks have slid to a critical position, posing a challenge to smooth supplies, it emerged on Tuesday. As of August 2 evening, informed sources said, the overall petrol stocks were lower than eight days of the country’s average consumption coverage. This comes as a grim…

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5 CPEC power projects face delays

The Pak-China Relations Steering Committee on Monday directed finalisation of a uniform policy framework within a month for extension in commercial operation dates (CODs) of five power projects of about 3,600 megawatts being set up under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The meeting presided over by Planning Minister Asad Umar also directed the Power Division to ensure availability of sufficient power…

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New subsidy mechanism: Power Division moves Nepra for approval

The Power Division has approached National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) for approval of a new subsidy mechanism for domestic consumers of Discos and KE, meant to bifurcate domestic consumers in more categories for higher revenue generation. The purpose of the new mechanism is to expand definition of lifeline consumers to include residential non-Time of Use (ToU) consumers having maximum…

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