Economic recovery and growth

The National Accounts Committee (NAC) came up with a GDP growth figure of 3.94% for FY21, which is based on provisional figures for the first nine months of the fiscal year. This news sparked debate between the government and opposition parties. The government is claiming that this achievement is the result of timely fiscal and monetary accommodation with the Covid-19…

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Tax on electric cars slashed, tractors included in tax net in Punjab

Punjab on Monday moved to check vehicular pollution, withdrawing proposed tax relief on old vehicles (major polluters) and slashing 75pc tax on electric vehicles to promote cleaner environment. However, it brought tractors’ trade under the tax net by replacing the word ‘motor car’ with ‘motor vehicle’ in its finance bill and triggered fears that this essential machine for agriculture will…

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Power shortages

WE have surplus generation capacity and we have frequent electricity shortages — particularly when the demand peaks in summers. Sounds like a paradox? Indeed, it does. The recent forced power cuts experienced by hapless consumers across the country were no surprise. People have suffered sudden blackouts of long duration before, and there is no guarantee these will not be repeated…

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Wind turbine giant Siemens Gamesa lays out plan to drive down cost of ‘green’ hydrogen

o-called “green” hydrogen production using onshore wind turbines could achieve price parity with fossil-based hydrogen by the year 2030, according to a white paper from Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. In a statement on Wednesday the firm — a major player in wind turbines — also said that green hydrogen produced using wind from the offshore sector could achieve price parity…

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People of Karachi agonised by power cuts, Sindh energy minister tells Nepra

Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Shaikh has blamed the K-Electric (KE) for power outages in the city, saying that load-shedding has agonised the lives of the people of Karachi. He stated this on Friday as he participated via video-link in a meeting chaired by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) chairman and attended by the chief executive officers of various…

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